Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A Food Day in Pictures

I'm going to snap a picture of everything I eat today.  This won't be a daily thing, but for today it's a guarantee I'll keep it light.  There is no way I would have taken pictures of my food yesterday.  I'll confess here, though.  A cup of coffee with half and half and stevia powder, a bowl of boxed macaroni and cheese, and way too many slices of pizza.  (If I had been snapping pictures every time I grabbed a slice, I know I wouldn't have eaten until bursting, and I know I wouldn't have opted for more as a snack before bed, which resulted in me having a horrible night.)

I'll upload pics tonight,...

I start my day every day with a cup of coffee with half and half and 1/4 tsp. of stevia powder.

I made my breakfast smoothie.  This is the good stuff that goes inside.

 For lunch I ate a grilled cheese sandwich (Colby-Jack and Provolone cheeses inside) on whole wheat with a half of a dill pickle.

My water bottle with a squeeze of fresh lemon...

For dinner we had Potato Kielbasa Skillet.  I didn't eat everything on my plate.  I was proud of myself for noticing when I was full and taking my plate away, even though it tasted SO good.

I pulled out my juicer for the first time in a couple of weeks and made some fresh green juice for myself and my husband.

And because I got the munchies in the evening, I had some chips and salsa.  I could have opted for guiltier pleasures, but since my dinner was pretty heavy I passed on the ice cream, and hey, at least it isn't a couple of slices of pizza.


  1. This is such a good idea. It's too bad taking photos with the camera and getting them onto the PC so they can go on the blog is such a pain. If there were a fast way, I would post pictures of my meals...even the terrible ones.

    1. With my phone I can actually upload pictures directly to my blog. I still like to crop them and add a little frame and stuff like that, making it a bigger pain than it needs to be, but I'm a visual person, so I like to make sure everything is centered and looks nice. Plus I enjoy doing that.

    2. Hm, I don't have a fancy phone. I'm a bit stuck in the dark ages!

  2. Loved seeing your food day in pics. I always forget to take pictures, even though my phone would do it. I haven't figured out how to upload them directly, but I email the pics to myself... :)

    1. I had been emailing them to myself, and then I realized that my phone has been automatically uploading EVERY SINGLE picture I take to my Google account. I'm not sure how I feel about that. It's convenient...and creepy. I haven't figured out how to disable that feature. It's like the internet has to know about every single thing we do.
