Tuesday, July 2, 2013


We've been having a bit of a heatwave, and it has put a stop to any kind of routine I might have had going.  Cooking?  No way! House work?  Uh, no.

My mom and my niece have been coming over.  We sit on the lawn furniture in the shade, moving the chairs as the shade moves and relishing any and every breeze that comes.  The kids splash in the pool, which is only filled part of the way.  We have decided that we'll need to level the ground before filling it completely, but with the hot weather on the way, we knew that realistically that kind of work would need to be delayed.  In the meantime I've rather enjoyed our lazy Summer days.

My weight hasn't budged.  I guess that's better than having it go up, especially considering the way I've been eating.  We've been dining on bean dip and ice cream and whatever can be found in the kitchen that doesn't require cooking, including take out pizza one night.

As much as I've been avoiding work due to the heat, I must say, I am exhausted.  It could be all the walking back and forth between the house and the back yard, where we've been hanging out most of the time.  It could be trying to stay cool, moving fans from one window to the next.  It could be the food I've been eating.  It could just be the heat, but I've been feeling weak and a couple of times almost ill.

I think it's going to be cooler today.  I need to find the energy to get to the grocery store and clean up my kitchen.  Hopefully, I'll find it in this coffee cup in front of me.


  1. Heat is so draining! You might not want to cook hot food, but what about those fruit smoothies? Good luck finding some of that energy.

  2. I'm out of berries and kefir. Another reason I need to get to the grocery store. lol

    1. Almost out of toilet paper too. Ha!

    2. Yikes! In that case you DEFINITELY need to get to the store :) I have a thing about not running out of toilet paper - I was traumatised by a friend's family when I was a kid who never seemed to have any. I run to the store if I realise there are less than 10 rolls in the house :D

      Hope you're doing okay? Has the heat abated any?

    3. The heat has abated, and we are having a beautiful Summer. I've been trying to enjoy it. I have been for the most part. I've had some low points to. I just updated the blog. Thanks for checking in!

  3. I know what you mean. It has been hot here too. We alternate between strangely cooler days and blazing hot days. At least there's some variety. Some years it is solid upper 90's and 100's here. And this is Colorado! Traditionally Colorado was cooler but I think global warming is changing that.

    I'm incredibly grateful we have AC but sometimes I wish I wasn't so wimpy about about. Even though I grew up in Texas I still never really got used to the heat, but I'm willing to bet that as a kid I was more resilient.

    Sending you fresh, cool foods (salads? sandwiches?) and a burst of energy.

    I've found it hard to get moving at all without iced coffee or something.

    Silly summer. I find I've been in a funk lately. I need to get excited about something...anything.

    Excuse the ramble--hope you have a good evening!


    1. This is the first year we've had a nice deck to spend time outside, so we've all been really enjoying the Summer. It's also the first year we've had a pool big enough to get more than our knees wet. So we've been swimming and BBQ-ing and sitting on the deck to enjoy our big backyard. It's been nice. I'm trying to enjoy small pleasures like that more.

  4. I'm here. Struggling a bit. (See today's update.) Thanks for thinking of me!
