Saturday, March 29, 2014


My weekly weigh-in was yesterday, and I weighed 235.0 pounds.  That is a loss of 1.6 pounds for the week.  It seems every week I reflect on what kept me from losing more weight.  Last week it was my daughter's birthday and Thai food.  This week it was dinner at the Mexican restaurant, but the thing is, my weight is still going down despite the fact that I am out there living life, getting pleasure from the food I eat, and enjoying occasional treats.  That's a huge win in my eyes, even if the weight loss is slower than I had hoped when I started.

And this is yesterday's thing of beauty:

I've only had margaritas twice in the last three months, and I loved every sip.


  1. Yay for enjoying life and seeing the win in even a small weight loss. Just think, they say the slower you lose the weight, the more maintainable it is :)

  2. You seem to be in a good flow, and I love that! Glad you enjoyed that margarita. :)
