Monday, January 6, 2014

Giving Up,...

On this 2-day cleanse.  I almost gave up last night because I was so hungry, and my head was really hurting, but I hung in there and had a very fitful night sleep.  I had to get up around 6 times to pee.  I did wake up feeling pretty good, though, and that tummy bloat I've had for the last couple of days was gone, not the fat, but the extra bloat, which accounted for a lot of discomfort. 

The problem is, it's dinner time, and facing that bland cabbage soup is making me gag.  I did make some and ate a few bites, but I can't choke any more down.  I decided this has passed the point of being kind to myself, and has become punishment.  I'm going to eat dinner, and start the day with a healthy breakfast tomorrow, and try to continue being kind by avoiding junk and eating well. 

I hope my day and a half cleanse benefited my body at least a little.


  1. I don't blame you. I think your plan to eat healthy overall is a good one. :)

  2. According to research, even an 18 hour cleanse has a positive effect, and you did way more than that! Sometimes, it can be good to do something drastic, so when you then go to something maintainable, it feels so much easier and nicer :) Hope you enjoy a healthy breakfast today!

  3. Thanks, Ladies. I'm not blaming myself either, perfectly happy with my decision, and unlike I feared, I did not go crazy and eat every ounce of fat and carbs in the house last night. lol Kerry, you're right about doing something drastic and how that makes sensible choices seem much more doable, and I do think there was a positive effect on my body. I feel a bit lighter and definitely less bloated still, and it may be my imagination, but when I got out of the shower last night and looked in the mirror, I thought I looked noticeably younger. Of course, that may be because, since 2 weeks before Christmas, I've been feeling sick, run down, and in pain, and I'm finally feeling normal again. Either way, it was nice to see a pretty face looking back at me.

    1. Oh, and it's a day or two before my period is due. My belly is noticeably smaller, which is unheard of for me this time of month.

    2. Nice going, a pretty face and a smaller belly - definitely steps in the direction of self-love :)

  4. It's nice that you felt refreshed. I wish you lots of radiance and good health this year. XOXO
